Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Our next Live show is THIS FRIDAY 2/26! Tickets are only 5 bucks, right now at Meanwhile, in Cordelia, the gang goes Down Under! Down under the ground that is! As an increasingly unstable Hot Roddy leads them deeper and deeper into the stone bowels beneath the Switchblades, our heroes are threatened and tested like never before (in cave) and shockingly confronted by a powerful, and powerfully erotic...uhh, figure.


The party continues to wander through the maze of The Switchlades, beginning to doubt that Hot Roddy knows where he’s going. Deciding that the pranksters wouldn’t dare enter a cave, he leads the party to a nearby cave behind a secret wall. Bellow attempts the first half of shave and a haircut, getting a limited response of grinding machinery. Albee knocks out the entire pattern and the door opens.

The interior contains many strange animals, including giant leeches and “blood rocks.” A weakening Roddy leads them to a zipline across a deep canyon. Bellow crosses easily enough, but Albee’s inexperience causes her to fall down the cliff. Cordelia doesn’t hesitate to dive down after her while Stirfry runs to the middle of the zipline’s rope to look out for them. Roddy attempts to cross while de Bonesby panics at the loss of his companions.

Inside the canyon, Cordelia catches up to Albee and shouts for help in every animal language she knows. Bats respond by forming a massive swarm around them, flying the girls (and coincidentally Roddy) back to the others.

After a few turns, the party reaches a half-locust, half-hedgehog they call Spinyfriend. It happily converses with the students before following their lead back to its home. gate made entirely of goblins at the end of their path. One of their tattoos claims that silence opens it, which causes them to part like a stomach valve rather than a door. Inside is a thriving environment of animal hybrids, talking plants and organic body parts growing from the ground. Spinyfriend leads them to the master of the area. He takes them to a steampunk laboratory where a strange hybrid of human and goblin body parts steps forward, announcing themselves as Brian Fuck, maestro of the flesh.

