Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

The religion that involves the laidback worship of Danny Timeshare, the god of vacations. The faith emphasizes savoring the good times, alcohol, celebration, and being happy and mellow. Puka shell necklaces, sunscreen and other tropical garb are commonly worn by the faithful.

As Danny Timeshare is a relatively minor god of the primary pantheon with very casual practices, vacationism is not an especially prominent religion in Cordelia. Its chill vibes and celebratory nature still make it easy for others to appreciate its teachings in small doses. Since vacation was invented along with Danny's reassignment, he had to start from scratch and introduce the idea himself. Bellow's primary means of preaching the good word are to encourage people to take vacations and by tending bar.

While Danny is among the more lax gods, the clerics and paladins of vacationism are still expected to fulfill some duties for their god. Refusal will rarely bring any actual wrath from their patron, but he may threaten to cease granting them his magic if they do not cooperate. These usually involve spreading the good word to especially stressed or businesslike regions, convincing them to take breaks and vacations. For a god of vacations, these pilgrimages are technically work and not really a vacation at all. This enigma has been pondered for centuries by philosophers.


  • Branson created a homebrew domain for clerics that he homebrewed for Bellow. It mostly involves flavoring Cleric spells with Jimmy Buffet lyrics. Vacationism clerics use Charisma instead of Wisdom to cast their spells. It is loosely based on the domain of Light.
  • Clerics of vacationism do not gain the ability to Turn Undead. They gain an equivalent power that only works on people who are “on the clock.” This compels them to flee if they are currently working or doing their job.
  • Vacationism is also referred to as "the sunglassed path."
  • Followers of vacationism are commonly contacted by tropical birds to assign them their duties.
  • Vacationism has some paladins to its order, but they are relatively few and they rarely or never hear from Danny himself.
  • Vacationism was only recently recognized, going from a cult to a fringe religion just a year ago.