Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Have you ever wondered: what is inside a Hot Dog?


It is explained in narration that The Deep Vatican of the dark elves was built in groveling worship of God, hoping to beg his resting form to be allowed back to the surface. One of the fungalganger’s parts meets with the Underpope, head of the dark elf vatican, reporting that he has cornered Paris Kansas as the thief who stole the Underpope’s magical toe ring. The Underpope demands that the ring be returned before he will pay his bounty, which the fungalganger accepts. He wishes to join the church's expedition into the depths to find God, believing their deity to be dead. The Underpope is so confident that God is merely resting that he agrees, assuming that he won’t have to pay the bounty hunter anything as a result. He plans an attack on the bat village while their people are trapped.

Linus emerges from the Batplebee's and confronts Apollo Virtue. Apollo claims that spiders are treated like man’s best friend on the surface and refuses to let them be used as food. Linus is shocked to learn that spiders are ground up to make hot dogs, his favorite food, fearing that his favorite spider Gumball may have been turned into his dinner that night. Paris uses his magic ring to burn a path through the webs and rush out to join Linus. Apollo offers to lead them with the spiders back to the surface, insisting that Ulysses has been similarly inhibited by the batfolk’s lies about his potential as a human. Linus flees in distress as the others agree to follow Apollo to the surface. Linus returns to the family farm and finds a frightened Gumball still hiding there. Linus draws him out, but overhears dark elves singing as they begin burning through the spiderwebs at the batfolk borders.

The others battle David and Cavid as the town guards look to protect their cattle. The party kills them off but the guards kill Apollo in the process. The spider pleads for the party to take them to the surface and gives a cryptic warning to avoid “the light eater.” Linus reunites with the party, warning about the invasion as they head towards the surface. They send Gumball back with a note to warn Tobacc, who rallies the other bats to defend their city.

The party makes camp some distance from Wingslip. Lemon worries over the warning of a light eater, being a creature of light herself, so Paris converts her to her better-equipped battle cage. Ulysses tries to reassure Linus as Paris reveals the magical stone/map they received from Tobacc. It shows tunnels leading all over, including the surface, with a particular marker for a vial of God’s blood at Culicidan, City Con Carne.



  • The war songs sung by the elves are Dominic the Donkey and That’s Amore altered to be about themselves.