When Piss Harbor Boxer Thickie Thunder (special guest Jon Gabrus) fails to take a fall in a big match, it's up to our heroes (or our bad guys? We're still sorting that out), to capture him for money. As long as there are no complications this episode should be about 15 minutes long! *Show Notes writer sees episode length* Gulp!
The episode opens at the Kaiser Permanente Indoor Arena and Daycare, where longtime champion boxer Dino Spaghetti enters to defend his title. He goes up against Thickie Thunder, a strong halfling who still appears way outmatched. The match seems rigged against him with bribes made for Thickie to take a dive, and the only creature that cheers for him is a single cricket. His cricket friend Timiny is quickly killed, fueling Thickie's rage. He goes berserk and ends up killing Thickie in the ring.
We cut to Moonlight Value Bounties, where Mabeline Moonlight is explaining the huge bounty put on Thickie by the mob for not throwing his fight and killing the champ. The party is somewhat conflicted but continue to the stadium to look for him. Moose bribes their way past the police and the team proceeds to find Thickie hiding under a food bucket. He explains the circumstances and Neil is moved by how moral his choice was to avenge his friend and refusing throw the fight. She draws a line on bringing in a moral man, convincing the team to help him rather than hunt him. Tommy tries to smuggle Thickie out under his hat, but they are interrupted by a wandering police officer. He is revealed to be Cat Gentleman, a fellow bounty hunter in disguise. The party clashes with Cat, Thickie brawling with him in the ring before Neil ties him up in one of the ring ropes.
The party decides that they need to either get rid of Terry Surgery who placed the bounty or get Thickie out of town while staging his death. After discussing a few confused plans about sleeping with Terry's wife, they agree to stick with staging his death. Thickie famously got his penis ripped off in an earlier bout, so he easily removes his reattached penis to use as evidence of his demise. They visit Terry in person (along with Thickie as a hastily disguised chef), who believes their story about the bounty dying in acid except for his penis. He pays them much less gold for not allowing him to torture Thickie, but he pays extra for the mysterious chef to cook the disembodied penis for him. A conflicted Thickie cooks it and flips it to him, but it goes out the window. Terry dives after it, eating it in midair but badly hurting himself in the landing.