Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

When we meet for the first time I bring joy, but see me again and I bring only despair. I always tell, and always ask, though, try as you might, you cannot say the same. I have defeated kings and been bested by children. What am I?See episode notes for the answer, gumshoes!

The 18th main canon episode of Rude Tales of Magic. The party manages to reach Riddle Guy, exploring the brain-teasing festival.


The party is led by Dodge Deranga, Natalie Armpits and Canyonera to Riddle Guy, a packed gathering of riddle enthusiasts who used riddles as currency. Albee is miserable with her response from confessing to Bellow being followed by riddles, which she feels she’s terrible at. The others enjoy the scene and take Frederick de Bonesby off to a medical tent. While delirious with pain, Frederick is thrilled to realize he is at Riddle Guy since he was never allowed to go as a child.

The party splits up to gather supplies and information. Bellow and Dodge explore the festival and Bellow proves quite capable with answering riddles. They meet Apollo Nasty, last year’s ultimate riddle guy. After Bellow answers his riddle, Dodge admits that she has feelings for him and wants to hook up for the festival. Bellow awkwardly declines, saying he’s been through a lot lately.

Stirfry hits it off with Natalie, flirting as they brainstorm new riddles to barter with. He boosts her confidence in becoming this year’s new riddle guy. Cordelia maintains her Invisibility on Ivan, who is obsessed with seeing the sunlight for the first time in over a century. He convinces her to come with him and maintain the invisibility so he can enjoy this one day with her.

Stirfry and Natalie end up admitting their attraction, ending up in them going all the way in their tent. Stirfry is injured in the process, but he tries to brush it off. With another boost to her confidence, Natalie admits that she loves him and carries him off. When he asks why, she explains that to become the new riddle guy, one must sacrifice someone they love. Stirfry escapes her grasp but is intercepted by Canyonera, who knocks him out and carries him towards a wicker sphinx.


  • “The smells of patchouli oil, body oil, weed smoke blind you. Strong vodka, incense and about a million pounds of ambient dust hit you like a t-shirt cannon shot point blank at your nasal cavities.”

