Flipcup's in this one! He's kind of "our" Grogu.
The sasquatches travel towards Miracle Michael and his stage to follow his announcement. Albee and Stirfry spot an unaware Virginia and the two hastily stab her before she can do anything. We see a flashback of her life before she begins bleeding out. She tries to warn them about The Unpleasantness through her injuries, pleading that Albee take a sealed book she has on her. Bellow sees what happened but fails to heal her in time to save her. The party regroups and Frederick and Cordelia catch the others up on what happened. Cordelia asks Stirfry to take Virginia’s eyes. The Witch Hunter had asked to take her to Hell with them, and she’ll need them to place Cheddar's coins on them should she choose to honor her request.
Albee takes Virginia’s book with her while Frederick warns Stirfry that the entity inside him wants to erase him from existence just as his hand begins moving towards him on its own.
Michael emerges on stage in a giant sasquatch foot that he uses like a limousine. He announces it as a foot of the first bigfoot and his means of contacting their gods. With Spilled Milk’s interference gone, he is finally able to bring them to a better world. Albee and Bellow try to speak out against his claims but Michael quickly turns the crowd against them. He opens a portal to reveal what the sasquatches see as a beautiful forest that mesmerizes them into marching towards it. The others see it leads to nothing but a sheer drop off a cliff.
Albee opens Virginia’s book for answers, finding it to be The Below Folk; a guide to demons. It opens to a blank page that summons The Unelected Chorus, a multi headed monster that flies off into the sky. Bellow attempts to undermine Michael’s claims but by now the sasquatches are fully under his control and attack the party. Cordelia snaps out of her stupor and struggles to hold back the other sasquatches while Albee sees that Michael is controlling them via the original sasquatch’s foot. Frederick teleports them over to it where Albee pins Michael and uses the foot to take control. She commands them to take the foot and throw it off the cliff, breaking its spell. Stirfry arrives by Albee’s side and the two of them finish off Michael together. Cordelia catches up to them, takes out her Cheddar coins, and spits on Michael's body telling him to pay full price.
Cordelia informs the others that her Unpleasantness was passed onto de Bonesby. Albee realizes the implications too late after she dropped her demonic book and Frederick waves to them having already picked it up.
Episode: https://rudetalesofmagic.simplecast.com/episodes/2rev2lations