The streets of Piss Harbor are full of folks you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Hell, I wouldn't want to meet anyone in a dark alley. Let's go to a Starbucks! Point is, when the party crosses paths with devil may care bad boy Knee Scraper (special guest JORDAN MORRIS), they're gonna realllly wish they went to a Starbucks. Then at least they'd have Frappucinos!
We follow Knee Scraper, a juvenile delinquent with a heart of gold patrolling Cigarette Butt Beach and forcing skaters to remember to wear knee pads. He's approached by a shadowy, many-limbed figure that drops a corpse at his feet and vanishes, leaving Knee to take the blame as people witness him with the body.
The party gathers to be given their bounty on Knee Scraper, wanted for murder. Mabeline Moonlight is so disgusted that she would respect the group for killing him out of rage. The party agrees and readies their torches and pitchforks, accidentally burning down their latest headquarters. They track down Knee at a novelty t-shirt store, only to find that Knee runs a charity massage parlor in the back room for single mothers. He uses his connection to the streets to control various vermin into helping him do good deeds. The party is conflicting on bringing him in, so they hear him out when he says he was framed. They return to the scene of the crime, finding that while a sword was stuck in the man's back, he was actually shot through the head when he was killed. Given his cowboy attire, Tommy Whistle recognizes him from his usual saloon. Knee refuses to enter since he is underage, so they arrange to let him control Edgica's dog as an animal of the streets. The bartender confirms that the man had an argument with El Chupacabra, so he is not surprised to find out that he turned up dead. El Chupacabra returns to the bar, and when he overhears that the framing didn't stick, he runs outside to kill Knee's defenseless body while he's possessing the dog. Knee quickly decides to rush the dog to the nearest Catholic book store, borrows a bible, and throws it to knock El Chupacabra down. Johnathan pins him and asks Knee what he wants to do with the real killer. Knee wants to put the criminal to work doing good, so he uses his power over street vermin to force El Chupacabra to work for a struggling single mother. El Chupacabra pleads for death instead, but Knee takes over his mind and the others celebrate at a milk bar.
In the post credits, we cut to single mother Tina relaxing at home. El Chupacabra uses his many arms to do her housework while Knee watches over him to make sure he has no free will.