Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki
Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

An ancient and partially mutilated gnome. He created the owlbears, bearowls, and several in-betweens. He is able to speak to them, but they have relatively little respect for him. Poopus' left hand was torn off and replaced by a hook while raising the owlbears. His right hand was also torn off and replaced by the left hand.

He had some involvement at Polaris University before it vanished, leaving him among the many citizens of Cordelia disoriented by its absence. He lived with Mother in The Nest, where he asked her every day "Who's my mommy?" She always replied "I am."

He met the party after they fought with his bearowls, agreeing that they are wildly aggressive animals and holding no hard feelings. He offers to lead the party to The Nest and introduces them to Mother. She tests the party until they realize she is planning to absorb Albee's family. When a fight breaks out, the party encourages him to merge with Mother instead. He agrees and is absorbed by her, immediately reborn as a baby. With his memory wiped, he promptly pees himself. The party renames him Peepus.

The party carried him with them for several episodes, but in the panic fleeing from Kebin, Peepus was left behind and lost.

In Enter the Mother, Part 1, the party is rescued by a fully grown Peepus. We learn that he was raised by animals, lost his arm while fighting a reborn Mother's soldiers, and replaced it with a powerful mechanical one. He explains that gnomes grow up extremely fast and live long lives as funny little men. He is bitter towards the party for abandoning him, but still holds some attachment. He leads them to the freedom fighters of The Soaking Valley, and is once again left behind when they forget him on their way to confront Mother.


  • Poopus was named after one of the first things he did as a child (pooping in his diaper). He seemed to deeply regret it for all this life. The party calls him Peepus when he is reborn with the same logic in mind.
  • When he was still known as Poopus, he also enjoyed being called Mister Poopus and Doctor Poopus (though he is not a doctor). He seemed more puzzled by being called Professor Poopus.
  • Commonly misspelled as Poopiss
  • When he is reborn as Peepus, he appears to have a limitless amount of urine at his disposal.
  • Poopus was originally planned to be a perfectly normal and intelligent gnome. When Cordelia called dibs on him, Branson decided to make her regret it by making him immediately eccentric.