Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

The world's most prestigious university, founded by Lexicon Matters in the Golden Age of the Cordelian Empire. It was once named Lexicon Matters' School For The Brave, but that was quickly changed to avoid association with him after he was found eating his daughter and his subsequent refusal to apologize for it. It was instead named after the city of Polaris, which itself was named after the god Polaris.

The school teaches many subjects to many races, including magical and martial adventuring paths. Schools within the university include the Slaw School for the Arcane, the Cynthia Pepper Institute of Culinary Arts, and the Uvalin Dali College of Bardic Studies. The Monks of No Nation have connected their independent monastery to the university through an arcane ritual so that students may major in monastic studies as well. It is home to several sororities and fraternities while encouraging many religious practices. The party attended the university before it was suddenly wiped from the face of Cordelia and it's past, leaving them as some of the only living creatures still aware of it.


On 3/26 in 497 AA, Polaris University disappeared. The disappearance is caused by a ritual performed by Albee and Cordelia's sorority, Mothra Tau Delta, which some demons overheard at the exact wrong moment. Only the party members, gods, demons, and otherwise enlightened or especially inquiring peoples (such as Kreedis or Rainn Anatomies) remember the school.

The party has met a few individuals who have trace memories of the school, including Count Ivan who had a meeting on campus, Poopus who was a professor at PU, and Sloane Langely Thatcher, who remembers the school in her dreams. Albee's parents know Cordelia, but don't remember meeting her at Parents' Weekend and believe Albee went to die at The Forbidden Zone. Danny Timeshare tells the party that anyone who says they know everything about the school is lying. Kreedis only remembers remembering Polaris University given his heightened perception of reality and the multiverse.

Within Hell itself, Lexicon Matters had reclaimed it himself. He operates as its new dean, helping demons get an education while sending other demons after the party to keep them from intervening as the only ones who remember the school in the mortal plane. He renames it Lexicon Matters' School For the Damned.

Known Students and Alumni[]


  • An order known as The Monks of No Nation train the monks at Polaris. Pursuing a major in becoming a monk of the four elements is illegal and heavily discouraged. This does not dissuade Albee from trying.
  • Casper and some others have referred to the former location of Polaris University as The Forbidden Zone since its disappearance. Few maintain the memory of its actual existence.
  • The college's mascot is Skully, the anthropomorphic skull of Lexicon's daughter.
  • After PU's disappearance, the people of Cordelia show no recollection of what a university is. Rainn Anatomies can only make an educated guess that it was a prison for children. Considering that there were other colleges mentioned in early episodes, the removal of the first university from history seems to have interrupted their history enough to remove them as well.