Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

It's a family reunion...of sorts, when ourheroes are introduced to their mysterious host in the heart of The Nest. Who or what is She? What dark trials must our heroes best? What will be the horrible price of their freedom? If sweat is the pee of the skin, is spit the pee of the mouth? ALL WILL BE ANSWERED in... Mother Knows Best!

Episode 3 of Rude Tales of Magic.

Previous episode: Down for the Count

Next episode: Dial E for Elf


The party wakes in a heap of owlbear feathers. Poopus invites them to meet Mother, a creature that lives deep inside The Nest. Mother is revealed to be a giant blue heart, claiming to be the spirit of the forest and true creator of the owlbears. She speaks to them telepathically and offers to answer their questions in exchange for taking her tests. The party agrees before fully understanding the cost of their answers.

Accessing their minds, Mother puts them through several simulated riddles. The party passes her tests, which Mother retroactively informs them would have killed them if they failed. Finding that they are suitable for her task, Mother asks them to bring a nearby family of creatures to her to absorb. She requires more intelligent beings than bears and owls to improve her creations. Albee realizes that Mother means her family and refuses, leading an attack on the persistent Mother. She starts to summon owlbears made from whatever attacks they throw at her while Poopus panics from witnessing the fight between his “mother” and his new friends.

Poopus tries to convince the friends to cooperate and that being absorbed isn’t so bad. They convince him to enter Mother himself, something that horrifies and sickens Mother. She begins to take on Poopus’ voice and traits until she chooses to destroy herself rather than live like this. Poopus emerges as a newborn gnome baby and the owlbears all transform to possess his face. The party welcomes Poopus back and he promptly urinates on them. They happily rename him Peepiss and take him with them on their travels.

The party gets back on the road to check on Albee’s family. They encounter two elves on horseback who block their path, demanding that they help them solve a murder most foul.

