Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Mother featured on the Rude Tales Tarot cards as The Empress

A giant, sentient heart encountered by the group in The Teenage Woods. She claims to be the heart of the forest and possesses many strange mental powers. She claims to have created the owlbears and bearowls. She is capable of absorbing other lifeforms and taking their intelligence inside her. Poopus treats her as his actual mother.

Mother meets the party at The Nest when Poopus leads them to it. She asks for their assistance in return for information. Once she answers their questions, she uses her powers to place them in a series of riddles. Once they successfully solve them, she decides that they are suitable for the task she has in mind. She asks them to bring a nearby family of fawns to her to be absorbed, but Albee realizes that she's talking about her family. Mother intends to use them to create more intelligent owlbears using their genetic material, turning them painlessly back into babies as "the gift of life."

Albee refuses and throws a dart at Mother, entering a battle as Mother begins to summon more owlbears from their attacks. The group holds their own until Poopus tries to convince them to work with Mother. When they doubt her intentions, Poopus decides to prove it himself and enters Mother's womb-maw. Mother is repulsed by this as her voice and the owlbears transform to resemble Poopus. She withers and crumbles, but not before birthing a baby Poopus, who is promptly renamed Peepus by the group, after he pees on Albee.

The group find six large seeds amongst the remains of Mother's corpse. One of the seeds had a blue glow similar to the blue glow Mother had emitted. The other 5 seeds had a normal appearance.

The seeds are left behind when they escape from Soaking Valley Prison. When they return to the city in Enter the Mother, Part 1, Mother has grown back from her seeds and has begun conquering the city by planting growths that control peoples' bodies and link them into a hivemind.


Mother is effectively immobile, but she has numerous powerful abilities. She can rapidly heal herself and absorb creatures and items, processing them and using them as fuel to create hybrid creatures. She shows that she can do this with weapons and even pure fire. Since she cannot move, she must rely on her victims being willing to merge with her or being captured by her creations. Some of these assimilations will alter her behavior as well. If she merges with something she finds unpleasant enough, it may lead to her self-destructing.

Mother also has some means of telepathic abilities and mind control. On top of communicating with the party, she can transport them into rudimentary simulations that can prove fatal if failed. She is able to silence Stirfry with her will and knows many things beyond the knowledge of the party, though she is later proven to be lying about some of these things.


  • Mother is classified as "growing" demon, similar in nature to Shiitake Tomboy. They both operate similar to intelligent plants, can assimilate with other creatures, and both refer to the phrase "What the air forgets, the soil remembers."