Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Bellow's mother and wife to Malekinal Gorramael. Bellow spends much of the campaign worrying about her safety after Brian Doyle Falls is consumed by a gelatinous cube.

Mona is later revealed to be alive, if changed by the world within the cube. Eating the local Vacci’s Pizza transformed her into a plastic flamingo to match the vacation nightmare of a town. She remains mobile and delighted to see Bellow, and her new form doesn't keep her from embarrassing him in front of his new friends. She escapes the warped Brian Doyle Falls with the rest of her family and the party, being returned to her natural state. She stays behind with the rest of her family while wishing Bellow luck on this quest.


  • Mona is 35 years old, but will sometimes lie about her age. Her lies are so compelling that they even trick longtime listeners of the show into thinking she's actually 35.
  • Her father was a politician.
  • Mona enjoys a morning glass of wine.
  • In her normal tiefling form, Mona is a long haired, candy apple red woman with antelope-like horns.