A live episode recorded for the Rude Tales of Magic Patreon. It's contents were a secret known only to donors, apart from that it involves pirates and someone getting a gun. A teaser was posted on January 30th, 2020. It was later released on 3/24 to the public on the main site.
The story is neither canon nor non-canon to the main story. Grow up.
The party pops out of barrels, apparently having stowed away on a pirate ship named The Lusty Conversation. The ship's cook Hesky Asmar discovers them and tells them he's fine with it as long as they side with him in the upcoming mutiny. While Hesky gets them some food, the party leaves to investigate the ship and learn more about what's going on. They bluff their way into passing as auditors on the ship, effectively taking charge of things as they learn about the crew and the ship.
They discover that the ship's captain Twice-Damned Regina has been throwing their food overboard, one of the main causes of the mutiny. When Stirfry backflips off the ship and lands in the ocean, he is rescued by mermaids. Cordelia communicates with them using Speak With Animals and discovers that Regina was throwing them food because she's lonely and wants a partner. The mermaids explain that they have no interest in having a partner as they have no concept or desire for such a pairing.
The crew explores the ship and crew, meeting with Andreas Redchapel (the ship's pope) and Beavis Palisades (the ship's inventor). The gnome explains that he is worried about whose side he joins because he assumes that they'll win. His reasoning is that he has a fully functional modern glock. He attempts to show the party by shooting Stirfry, but the recoil throws him across the room, missing and killing himself instead. Frederick claims the gun for himself and begins to wield it around the ship as he becomes addicted to its power.
Before the crew can resolve the captain's lovelife, the mutiny breaks out. The party rushes out to intervene when a leviathan begins attacking the ship, attracted by the excess food being thrown overboard. Cordelia manages to paralyze it with her roar and the party convinces it to consider marrying the captain. They try to explain the concept of marriage to it but the leviathan, but when it learns about God it decides to marry god instead (as something "bigger than itself"). The offer to become a priest becomes the next best thing and Redchapel agrees to ordain the leviathan. Albee suggests that he bless the entire ocean to baptize the leviathan, so Redchapel sacrifices himself to do so. The mermaids are saved by Catholicism and the leviathan marries one of the mermaids to Regina.