A sister of Bellow's, she is a muscular, 7-foot tall tiefling with black, tied back hair and ram horns. She lives in Brian Doyle Falls with most of her family. Bellow calls her Mandy for short.
She is a brash and rowdy young woman, fond of teasing Bellow at every opportunity alongside her sister Valifar Gorramael. They love their brother but frequently bother him with everything from basic pranks to putting his prom date through questions that test her sense of logic and morality.
Bellow finds Mandy and the rest of the Gorramaels in the twisted remains of Brian Doyle Falls. She helps them fight their way through the nightmarish beach city, escaping with the rest of them but losing her arm in the heat of battle. When Mandy gets over the shock, she proceeds to work out twice as hard with her remaining arm to compensate. She and Val put Albee through their trials to date Bellow, but they go easy on her and only ask what color apples are before giving her a thumbs up.
- Mandy went to Polaris University herself.
- Mandy is very self confident, particularly when it comes to creativity and art.