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A monstrous creature that appeared after the disappearance of Polaris University. While childlike in its mentality, it is horrific to look at and turns anything it touches inside out. He is the titular threat in the episode Kebin. Cheddar points out that Kebin is incredibly unintelligent, and can be distracted by something as simple as throwing a ball in another direction.

Kebin appears to be stalking Casper Dawn when the party arrives at Albee's house. Casper convinces the party to run from it, but when it starts catching up the group ends up distracting it with a paper airplane. They manage to lose it in the woods, only for it to end up chasing the paper airplane back into the group by coincidence. Kebin turns Casper inside out and begins to absorb it while the party flees for their lives.

When Albee returns to her home late in the series, she finds Kebin living there peacefully. It explains that its consciousness has merged with Casper, resulting in something both new and both of them at once.


Kebin is a shifting mass of flesh resembling a womb with a flayed baby's face. Its eyes are too far apart to visibly focus on anything particular. It has numerous goat legs that run like a centipede, rapidly rotting off its body until they fall off and are replaced by new ones. It possesses stubby baby arms, but they can multiply to reach towards its prey or seal up its wounds.


Kebin has a natural ability to turn anything it touches inside out. This appears to activate whether it means to or not, and works in equally gruesome ways on living and non-organic material. Touching de Bonesby's cloak not only turned it inside out but somehow created blood and gore on it. Kebin moves much faster than it looks like it should, and can absorb and acquire traits from certain creatures.


  • Cheddar is aware of Kebin and is even more horrified of him than the party members are. Kebin appears to hold some level of notoriety in Hell.
  • Kebin was named after Branson Reese's Roomba.
  • Kebin is able to move normally when Cheddar possesses someone, ignoring the usual freezing of time
  • Rain Anatomys classifies Kebin as a "hunger demon."