The gang finds themselves thrust back into civilization, and into far more danger than they could have ever predicted, as they finally arrive in Ruleshaven to discover that the continental breakfast started at 6 not 7, and the only thing left is wheat toast, decaf and half a thing of orange jelly. But hey, ain't that life in the big city? You wanna eat, best get cookin.
The party crashes up through the elevator into Ruleshaven, only for time to stop as soon as their heads breach the surface. Cheddar possesses Bellow and hastily urges Cordelia to leave the city within a few days. He avoids or refuses to answer most of her questions, only explaining that he is operating under very particular rules at the moment. The party find themselves in the walk-in refrigerator of a kitchen with footsteps approaching the noise. They hurry to act like part of the kitchen staff, grabbing aprons and ingredients when they are discovered by a member of the kitchen staff Tiny James. Tiny buys their ruse and says he had an arrangement with Brian Fuck to pass test subjects off to him, explaining that they are in the fabulous inn Jurisdiction.
The party manages to send him back on his way, but Cordelia asks if The Witch Hunter is in town. Tiny assures her that the inn is equipped with demonic energy alarms that would go off in the presence of any witchcraft so there would be no need for a hunter.
The party reviews their plan to find Ulcer Anatomies when a massively muscular chef Gerard Deparfood discovers them. He sees through their lies and attacks the party with a huge butcher’s knife, but they outwit him using illusions, shapeshifting and banging a pot on his head. Bellow finishes him off by using his tiefling ability of Hellish Rebuke, not realizing this will trigger the hotel’s alarm.
Cordelia turns invisible as the party flees the kitchen and is confronted by hotel guards. Bellow conjures a cloud of fog to confuse them and Cordelia flees in the opposite direction of the party. She has decided that if the witch hunter captures anyone, it will only be herself. She shouts to distract the guards before ducking into a hotel room. She summons Cordelia Junior to create a lot of noise out the window while she hides in the bathroom, getting the guards off her trail. She hides in the shower and quietly cries to herself.
When Albee realizes that Cordelia is missing, she enters a blind rage and charges back to the kitchen. She doesn’t find her but overhears the alarm declaring demonic activity in one of the rooms. She grabs Gerard’s butcher’s knife sword and storms off to find her friend.
Bellow loses track of her and hits the nearest service bell. With the amplified powers of vacation from being in a hotel, he tries to transport himself and his friends to the realm of vacation. Danny Timeshare changes the hotel lobby into a tropical theme but is only able to bring Bellow to his realm as his worshiper. Bellow asks him to send him to where Cordelia is and appears in the bathtub with her. Frederick and Stirfry hurry to follow the alarms, pointing the blindly furious Albee into the right room. She tears the door off its hinges and collapses when she sees her friends are safe.
Frederick poses as housekeeping and insists the room is filthy. He convinces the guests Austin and Geraldine that he must take their belongings for cleaning. He takes one of the man’s suits, finally clothed as he and the party leap out a window into the city.
- Albee entering a blind rage in panic was the first reveal that Albee has multiclassed into a barbarian. This is more narrative than mechanical as Albee gains the actual level a few episodes later.