Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

We know the Rude crew loves a cottage, but how will they react when confronted with our *jolliest* NPC yet? Why, it's probably going to go great! I bet that everybody leaves this episode as happily as they enter it. Buckle up for an incident-free episode of our podcast :).


The party lands in the Teenage Woods, parting ways with their trusty gliding men. They talk to Spike Salesingman, a spike salesman whose spikes one of the falling evil gliding men landed on. Spike mentions seeing many people fleeing the Soaking Valley and how he has heard rumors of a giant heart in the area. The party worries that Mother may have returned, and while recalling their adventures they realize they’d left behind baby Peepis. Cordelia and Albee step away into the woods and discuss how to deal with seeing their classmates in Hell and assuring each other there are no hard feelings over Bellow and their relationship.

As they decide to investigate, a plump and jolly figure approaches them offering a place to rest. He introduces himself as Bodega Dean Stanton and leads them to his cozy cabin to heal up over coffee, tea, cookies and Christmas goose. While he prepares the meal, he briefly opens a door with numerous newspaper clippings pinned to a wall. Suspicious, Cordelia summons Cheddar to possess Bodega and investigates while time is frozen. She finds a thorough collection of news and wanted posters concerning the party before returning to her seat. Cordelia tries to tip off the others but Bodega notices. He locks the door and reveals himself as a vengeful Carlito Masterbandit who lured them into his trap.

The party fights Carlito, who has been training to defeat them. He heavily wounds Stirfry before the team overpowers him and Stirfry violently decapitates Carlito. The party recovers as they are left to wonder why and how Carlito created the cabin and everything in it.

They ultimately press on, reaching the Soaking Valley. They find it overgrown with glowing blue roots with “Soaking Mother” written in blue blood over the welcome sign.


