Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

TRAPPED in the Switchblade Mountains! DECEIVED by puckish mountain pRaNkStErS! Unable to trust their very senses! Or even....each other!?!?! Folks, I'll shoot ya straight here. Doesn't look good for our heroes this time. Please enjoy this, the final episode of Rude Tales of Magic.


The party travels with Hot Roddy to navigate The Switchblades. He warns of upcoming pranksters, and tells them that they will need to convince them that they have been pranked and sell the gag well enough that they let them be. While they prepare themselves, a small "twee and a half years old" child appears to ask them to help him find his parents. Stirfry eagerly tries to help him and the child insists they could have a better view over by the steep cliff. The child tries to throw Stirfry over the ledge but Albee catches him as the child falls to his apparent doom.

They are quickly approached by We Prankster Few, a band of seven gnomes, halflings and a goblin in various jester attire. They warn them of their upcoming pranks and create various illusions to fool and frustrate the party along their way. Albee keeps failing to convince them that they were fooled so they escalate their pranks further. They end up throwing toilet paper that nearly kills Hot Roddy and Stirfry by suffocating them. They escape, only to find two Bellows among them. After much confusion, they break through the ruse when Stirfry recognizes that Bellow would not want to be his daddy. The Bellow clone attacks Frederick de Bonesby, who instinctively uses his Hellish Rebuke that he learned from studying with Cordelia.

The illusion melts away as We Prankster Few reappear before them. They offer to test them with their ultimate prank or to face them in a contest matching prank for prank. The party decides to take their challenge and the pranksters accept the first three to speak as the volunteers. The party acts increasingly confused until the gnome becomes frustrated, only for the party to reveal that they understood and it was just a prank. The gnome wails in defeat and vanishes from reality. The party goes through each member, tricking them with a simple deception or insisting something contrary until they disappear. The last of them reveals that he was the child that initially tricked them, but is bested when Frederick asks him about ligma.

The party steps aside to discuss what just happened. Albee talks to Bellow to say that she agreed with the illusion Bellow that she has the right to make her own decision about when she's emotionally ready for a relationship. Cordelia mentions feeling Frederick drawing magic from her and demands that he ask before he uses the ability again. Realizing what's happening, a humbled Frederick apologizes. Overhearing this, Stirfry seethes while Hot Roddy leads them on to Ruleshaven.

