Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

A dwarf that roams The Switchblades. He dresses as a greaser and rides on Afterbirth, his cursed warthog/motorcycle. He’s a powerful bullymancer, drawing his magical powers from his abrasive and mocking attitude while picking fights with those weaker than him. He wears a pompadour and leather jacket. Unlike other dwarves, he has completely shaved off his beard.

Roddy meets the party as they pass through The Switchblades, immediately demanding that they get out of his way and apologize for being so ugly. They attempt to ask about the mountains and where to go, but he deflects their questions with more insults. Albee ultimately has enough and beats him up in a flurry of kidney punches, breaking through his tough guy façade as he admits his origins as a bullymancer. When he gets a good look at Bellow, he claims that he once bullied his father on the day of Bellow's birth, making him his legal father due to some nearly forgotten Cordelian law. The party remains skeptical or unhappy with the idea, but agree to at least follow him as a guide to Ruleshaven. He continuously annoys and aids them throughout the Ruleshaven arc. It is gradually revealed that he does not know the way through The Switchblades and just wants to try to spend more time with his newfound son.

Roddy does ultimately get them to Ruleshaven, though he remains fairly weakened through most of it after Bellow bans him from bullying his friends. When Bellow rings the rule-altering bell of Ruleshaven, he adds the new law that those in Roddy's situation become the child's uncle instead of father. Roddy takes this as an insult and drinks himself into a stupor. He shows up during the climax to berate Bellow for downgrading him because he didn't want him, but Bellow explains that he saw it as an upgrade because uncles have far less responsibilities. Hot Roddy is hit with a wave of memories of his unpleasant childhood as a burgeoning and untrained bullymancer, finally culminating in a memory of his beloved Uncle T-Bird giving him his beloved leather jacket in a single act of kindness. Hot Roddy realizes that Bellow's law was a way of welcoming him into his family rather than pushing him away. Roddy escapes the city with the party before parting ways to distract the Witch Hunters with his obnoxious ways.

Roddy is later overheard on Witch Hunter communications as having been captured, refusing to give in to their questioning and torture. The last of the feed suggests that he fights his way to freedom and escapes. He returns in the episode It Looks Like You're Trying To Save Your School driving The Shish Kebab Express to help rescue the party from The Unpleasantness.


As a bullymancer, Hot Roddy draws power as he mocks, pranks and harasses others. His magic tends to follow his greaser and bully theme, making him look slicker and cooler when he is at the peak of his power. He casts magic in a variety of cool gestures such as snapping his fingers or flipping the bird, launching flaming oil or physically deflecting magic with his vocalized denial. Roddy acts entitled and crass to remain offensive to everyone to fuel his magic, while apologizing or remaining polite for too long will drain and possibly kill him. His talent for it appears to be natural as he is shown unable to help but use his power of mockery as a young man.


  • Hot Roddy's name is derived from hot rod, a vehicle modified to go faster.
  • Hot Roddy has a tattoo below his collar that reads "Born to bone." He has another right below it that reads "But I'm all alone"
  • Scenes of Hot Roddy in action are often accompanied by the song Rubber Biscuit.
  • Roddy frequently strikes a "christ pose."
  • While not his biological uncle, a young Hot Roddy idolized his Uncle T-Bird.
  • Bullymancy is described on his wanted poster as "legal but discouraged."
  • Hot Roddy is noted in The Below Folk. It is little more than a footnote, regarding him as "A dwarf of no repute."
  • In the live episode Lent Enders, Branson interrupted Tim's song dressed and acting as Hot Roddy.


  • By the way, god is thankful for my righteous piss.
  • Albee: Roddy, you seem less... bullying.Hot Roddy: "No. That is not the case, idiot."
  • "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An uncle is faithful one hundred percent."