Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

It's a reunion in the Cordelian Pastoral, and everyone's invited. Dead or alive. So nice to reconnect with old friends, isn't it?


The party catches up with Jacques who had escaped Ruleshaven with the rest of the rebels. He arrived in the town called Hell, where everyone was so innocent that they didn’t know not to call their village Hell. Jacques offers them a house to hide in when the Witch Hunters come searching the area, but Cordelia panics and leaps out the top story window. The rest of the party follows suit as they dispatch their pursuers. Cordelia calls upon Cheddar to possess and flee with one of the Witch Hunters while Albee uses Bellow’s vacation powers to force one of them to leave and go on break. They escape into the woods, trying to get a grip on their new bodies when they are attacked by a familiar assassin.

The woman who attacked them at Scrum North attacks from the trees, unchanged and unwashed from their last meeting. She battles the party, dealing some heavy damage until Cordelia finds and throws the magical net they gained from Thomas Mitchell. It catches the shrieking assassin, forcing her to not attack them and speak to them. Albee and Frederick use their borrowed powers to speak with her as an animal, learning that she was a seagull cursed to become a human after eating the flesh of another seagull. A being appeared to her and offered to return her to her original body if she killed the five of them.

While they consider what to do with her, they decide to offer her to Pebis. He is unamused by their attempts to trick him and shrinks Stirfry’s body to an inch tall for his efforts. In the state of another panic attack, Cordelia throws the net at Pebis but it bursts into flames. Breaking down, Cordelia taps into Albee’s monk experience. She goes through her memories and wisdom before focusing on the image of a dead Kreedis before she awakens in a state of peace. She uses this to return their bodies back to their original selves (though Stirfry is still an inch tall).

