Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Guns are an advanced invention that fires small projectiles at high speeds towards targets. Their actual canon in Cordelia is left intentionally vague. They have been referenced on several occasions in a way that leaves their exact timeline and use unclear in the main setting.


  • In Come At the King: Chapter 3, Butter St. Beef refers to Unhittable Babylon Brown as "the world's talkiest, inconsistent gun." This may simply be a figure of speech.
  • In the non-canon live show Married To The Sea, Beavis Palisades is concerned about who's side he takes in the mutiny. This is because he has invented a fully functioning modern-day glock. He is quickly killed by the recoil and it is claimed by Frederick de Bonesby, who promptly kills several pirates with it. It deals several d20 damage on a hit.
  • Deleted descriptions in Dial E for Elf listed "the world's only gun" as one of the boastful artifacts in Lindsingham Manor. This was removed out of concerns for the canonical implications.
  • Cum Dangle and his crew have a weapon they refer to as a gun. It's actually just a crossbow that has been lit on fire.
  • In All the Little Ants, Stirfry tells Affair Elf his name is "Stirfry, bitch." The cast agrees to take it back, but Branson Reese briefly mentions "She shoots you with a gun" in reply.
  • In Weird Times In Piss Harbor, guns are fairly common knowledge and are wielded by Tommy Whistle, Moose and El Chupacabra among others. The narrator specifically points out that this is despite the game taking place before the Class Dismissed campaign, and refuses to elaborate. They are still an early invention, and their bullets are described as moving much slower as a result.