Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Do you remember the first time you took a long trip away from home, and then came back, and found some small detail had changed? Maybe the 7-Eleven repainted the lines in the parking lot, or your dentist was arrested for arson. Whatever it was, that small detail told you that home had, and would always, move on without you.  

This episode is like that, but instead of the parking lot thing it's that the entire Soaking Valley is in the thrall of Mother. Whoops!


The party beholds the Soaking Valley where Mother has extended fleshy veins throughout the city, implanting fleshy growths onto the populace that turn them into mindless drones. One of her brainwashed members approaches them and invites them to come by "kissed" by Mother. He tries to drag Albee into town but they fight him off before Cordelia incinerates him with her magic. Several more drones react with painful noses and come after them, but Bellow thinks to slash off one of the growths. He frees Greg Proops, who attempts to flee in horror but Albee interrogates him while the others fend off the swarming locals. Greg explains that strange seeds left at the prison grew out and slowly took over before it came to rule the city.

Bursts of flame shoot out of the woods, burning up the remaining drones. The part sees a scarred, fully grown gnome with a steampunk cannon arm, quickly realizing that this is Peepus that they left behind months ago. He explains that gnomes grow up very quickly, living as little old men for the bulk of their lives. He was raised by the animals, growing up tough and cold while vowing to one day kill the family that abandoned him here. Bellow admits that it was them and Peepus attacks them, but Bellow lifts him off the ground to incapacitate him. Stirfry insists that he was too weak to take with them on their adventures, so they distracted Kebin, allowing Peepus to survive and toughen up without them. Peepus bitterly accepts this as the case and leads them to one of the secret entrances to the sewers. He warns them that Mother keeps things clean and orderly, so that any tunnels that smell nice are dangerous compared to the mess they travel in. The party attempts to hide in the tunnels (as the word "magic"), but they are discovered by a disheveled Scrum Fabulous, who introduces himself as the leader of the freedom fighters working against Mother.


  • "It smells like standing water and stale dreams that got fucked up by a bad guy. Some of this I wrote in advance and some it's on the fly. Which is which? You’ll never know!" - Branson Reese
  • "If you avoid a fight, the fight finds you. Never avoid a fight. Unless you're… wait…”-Stirfry
  • "Catch is a gentleman’s game and a lady’s pleasure."-Stirfry


