Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

When a rich, protestant elf gets epsteined(murdered) at the posh Lindseyngham Manor, our heroes must become the crack investigators they were always meant to be. Listen as they ruthlessly interrogate witnesses, brilliantly analyze evidence, and work as a team to explore all the potential angles in this well-structured whodunit!

Episode 4 of Rude Tales of Magic.

The previous episode was Mother Knows Best. The next episode on the feed is Fools Crush In however that was a live show and therefore not canon. The next canon episode was When You're Here.


The elves from last session explain their situation to the party. They are twin siblings Addison and Buckley Lindseyngham at Lindseyngham Manor, a wealthy estate where their brother, Vance Lindseyngham was recently murdered. No one at the manor trusts each other, so they need a neutral party to find the killer. When offered a thousand gold pieces, the party agrees to come along.

The party goes through Lindseyngham Manor, questioning the family and staff. When inspecting the body of the deceased Linseyngham, De Bonesby uses Detect Magic and is able to see Cordelia’s infernal magic for the first time. Apart from learning various gossip about crushes and grudges, they’re unable to find an answer. They’re sent to share a room with their latest houseguest Blaine (an overly polite and calm man) before they are called to reveal the killer in front of all the suspects. The party stalls for time until they realize that the body was completely drained of its blood and that Count Ivan Gretsky had mentioned drinking from an elf on their travels.

Blaine throws off his disguise to reveal he is Count Ivan, praising their deductive skills. The Lindseynghams all prepare to murder him in revenge, but the party gives up their reward in exchange for Ivan’s life. The Lindseynghams offer to give them Pubic, their house goblin, in exchange for Peepiss, but they decline before being escorted off the premises.

In a post-credits scene, we visit a bar in The Soaking Valley. A mysterious woman drinks as the dwarf Rochambeau attempts to flirt with her. She ignores him and studies a for a while before she cuts his throat and is kicked out of the bar by Moira Thousand. We see that her note describes the party members and that if she kills them, she will be "freed."

