Immensely powerful gods and goddesses that oversee much of Cordelia. They come in many forms and tend to focus on a particular concept or domain. Given the setting, this can vary wildly from concepts like law or healing to specific domains like vacations, letter writing, pirates, going to the bathroom, and letting your waste fall wherever you’re standing. While the creatures of Cordelia may worship, defy or remain unaware of any number of deities, their legendary power makes it difficult not to believe they exist.
With their higher plane of thinking, gods can easily overlook or even ignore the world of mortals. Most represent themselves in some form of religion, forming clerics and temples to draw the attention and worship of mortals. They commonly grant a small amount of magic to their clerics, allowing them to perform minor miracles and aid others to spread the word of their religion. Some gods will smite or curse people personally over strong enough grudges. Gods are capable of having children or simply granting some of their powers to a mortal, forming a demigod.
Gods can also be killed, assuming that something is powerful enough to do the deed. Larroquette is said to be eternally warm due to an assassinated god, and Danny Timeshare plays minigolf using the skull of a forgotten god as his hole.
Some gods will join forces to form a pantheon, whether to remain relevant or to avoid being forgotten by more popular deities. Since there can't be more than one god of any domain, a god entering a pantheon may redefine their purpose to avoid redundancy in their faith. Danny Timeshare was once a god of travel, but after joining the Cordelian pantheon he happily changed his persona to a god of vacations.
Known Gods[]
- Beyonce
- Breadskin, the god of bread crusts
- Cayvara, the goddess of creation
- Combatro, the god of one on one combat.
- Danny Timeshare, the god of vacations
- Father Time, the embodiment of the calender year
- God, a creation deity
- God 2, a proposed sequel to God
- Jesus Christ, the son of God
- Luray, the goddess of caves
- Natura, the goddess of pissing and shitting wherever you're standing
- Oozer, the god of slime
- Ordelia, a god of law and order
- Philadelphio, the god of siblings
- Polaris, the god of going to the bathroom
- The Butthole Queen, the goddess worshiped by goblins
- Vanessa Redgrave, the goddess of pirates
- Weirmon, the god of letter writing