Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Ever onward, ever upward. The gang finds themselves in the labyrinthine foothills at the border between the Trashlands and what could be their salvation in Ruleshaven, but here, on the razor's edge, in the Switchblade Mountains, nothing is as it seems, and ne'er-do-wells lurk, prank, and...ride...around every corner.


Cordelia Sasquatch dreams of a hall full of mirrors. They depict warped images of herself and characters that Cheddar has possessed looking back at her. She finds one that looks like her in shadow and when she touches it, it breaks and speaks in Cheddar’s voice. He hurriedly asks her where she’s heading. Cordelia tells him Ruleshaven with Ulcer Anatomies. Cheddar thanks her and apologizes before Cordelia snaps back awake. She distracts herself with the stars to avoid thinking about her dream and Ivan’s recent demise before forcing herself back to sleep.

The party reaches The Switchblades, a treacherous mountain path neighboring The Trashlands and the final stretch before Ruleshaven. They reach a fork with both signs pointing towards Ruleshaven. When Bellow suggests splitting up, a talking goat appears to tell that it would be a bad idea. Bellow names it Scruffy Bill and asks it advice on the area. The newly dubbed Bill explains that since Ruleshaven is so strict on its rules, the land beyond it is filled with pranksters, outcasts and ne’er-do-wells.

Stirfry talks to Albee while the others decide which way to go. Albee feels like she is uncertain about peoples’ expectations for her to lead the party and Stirfry is trying to avoid trouble caused by his impulses, so he offers that they both hang back and avoid taking action for the day. They become accountabilibuddies for the day.

Once the party finally decides where to go, they reach a tunnel that is actually just painted on. They expect the prank and circle around it on a covered up road to find the actual tunnel. Inside is a deep labyrinth, and before they can determine which way to go, they hear a roaring engine ahead. A clean-shaven dwarf in a pompadour arrives named Hot Roddy, riding on his half boar, half motorcycle mount Afterbirth. He immediately begins to grate on the party’s nerves with insults, pranks, bragging, negging and demanded apologies while insisting they get out of his way.

Albee tries to stay back with Stirfry before Roddy insults Cordelia and the sasquatch tries to shove him. Albee and Bellow go to steal Afterbirth from him as payback when Roddy unleashes a blast of flame and grease at Bellow. Bellow revs Afterbirth’s tires to spray him with mud and Albee unleashes a flurry of kidney shots that force him to surrender while trying not to appear too desperate. Albee threatens him with more violence until he confesses that he has to behave this way as a source of his power: he is a bullymancer. He draws power from being obnoxious and picking fights he knows he can win, but underestimated the party.

Albee forces him to apologize, but he suddenly recognizes Bellow. He names his home town and father’s name, shocked to realize that 20 years ago he bullied Bellow’s father on the day he was born. According to old Cordelian law, this makes Roddy Bellow’s legal father. Roddy has regretted leaving him ever since. The group remains skeptical, but ultimately decide to take him up on his apology and offer to take them down the right path to Ruleshaven. They ride with him deep down the winding paths before Roddy stops them, sensing an incoming swarm of cackling pranksters.

