Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

Content Warning: gore, bodies, pebis

We wild for this one!


The party travels with their stolen wagon with Flipcup. Cordelia helps de Bonesby study Thomas Mitchell's magical cart, which uses a magical engine to create an illusion so powerful that the cart not only appears to be smaller than it really is, but does it so well that it actually shrinks its appearance and shape. They reach a roadblock where a pair of Witch Hunters are waiting to interrogate passerby about the recently activated sending stones from Froggy Creek. They attempt to bluff their way past them but are found out. The Hunters report them to their comrades as Cordelia removes and throws the illusory engine at them, hitting one of their horses' horseshoes and expanding it to send them all flying.

The party flees to a nearby woods in the chaos, but Flipcup alerts them that more are coming. They hide deep in the woods where they find a giant egg with antlers growing out of it. It hatches into a giant fetal bird that identifies itself as Pebis, a demon sent from Hell to deal with them. He implies he was ordered to by Lexicon Matters, but stubbornly insists that he does it of his own free will. The party begs him to help with the pursuing Witch Hunters, and in protest Pebis warps their bodies for his own amusement. He finally shuffles their brains between their bodies, and Branson asks the players to hand their character sheets to the player on their right. They players try to sort themselves out when the Witch Hunters catch up to them, forcing them to flee again. Stirfry in Frederick's body blasts their immediate pursuers with a Lightning Bolt, granting them the time to recover and escape. They move away from the river to try and elude them, arriving at a small town. They see the sending stones toppled over by children as they meet a familiar face: Jacques Avoidoir from the The Ruleshaven Liberation Army welcomes them to his town.


  • When the players swap bodies, the players control their own character using the body, stats and voice of the other character. Albee enters Bellow's body, Bellow enters Stirfry's body, Stirfry enters de Bonesby's, de Bonesby enters Cordelia's, and Cordelia enters Albee's.


