Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

A high income community where Bellow was born. It's just east of The Teenage Woods with a population around 3,000. The Y River ends in a waterfall that Brian Doyle Falls is named after, and it is located east of The K River and west of Filthadelphia.

The location is said to be wiped off the map since Bellow left for college. This is supposedly due to a gelatinous cube attack. This is also where Hot Roddy bullied Malechinol Gorramael so hard that he became Bellow's legal father.

The party arrives there in the episode O Captain, My Captain, when they are unveiling the memorial wall for those killed by the city-sized gelatinous cube. The mayor of Sethesda declares that they will attack it if it moves but that the slime has not made any such actions. They leave it as it is out of respect for Oozer, the god of slime, but the inside is warped into a barely recognizable state. Nicotine Tones guides them in through a hidden tunnel, finding it has been transformed into a twisted beachside town where some of its citizens continue to survive.

