Creator of Swan Boy and GM of the main campaign in Rude Tales of Magic.
He also plays and GMs in other games on the show and its Patreon.
He is widely considered to be beautiful.
- Boy's Night
- Lancelot Platt
- Klaus Kitski
- John Lennon on the day he was assassinated/Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jingle All the Way
- Yeehaw Holes
- Liberty Balboa
- Aslan the lion/Lord Freiza
- Kratar
- Sunny
- Buster Poindexter and the feast of seven fishes
- Branson will sometimes edit this wiki.
- In the Nethermurk campaign, Branson voices NPCs in every episode rather than playing or GMing.
External links[]
- "Behind it hangs a long, distorted funhouse mirror cracked in too many places to count. Just kidding! It's actually 47! You should know not to trust me by now."
- "Your improv style is like if Bugs Bunny had a gun." -Christopher Hastings