Uh Oh! Our heroes are trapped in the clutches of Sanguina Bob, Paris is still covered in Neon Black, Uly seems to be getting stranger-sorry, more human- by the minute, it's getting to be too much! I just hope, and pray, that plot lines don't begin to shockingly converge!!
Sanguina Bob and her automaton aide The Scream attack the party. Sanguina manipulates her painting to form a cannon that knocks the wind out of Linus while Scream latches onto Ulysses, starting to drain his blood. Lemon flies up Scream’s proboscis and starts attacking his internal mechanisms before she flies back inside Ulysses’ wound. Paris uses his magic ring to set the painting ablaze, starting to melt Sanguina until she pleads for rescue. When Paris demands the vial of God's blood, Scream immediately gives it up to save his master and Ulysses begins to glow of his own accord, falsely assuming that it’s because of Lemon. He quickly douses the flames on the painting and they claim the vial, only to be interrupted by Agrigenta Salumeria and Fingerdale. They capture Linus in the confusion, threatening him in exchange for the vial. Ulysses offers himself instead but Paris hits her with his fire ring, making Agrigenta panic in the flames as Fingerdale controls her body to grab Lemon and make them flee. They trigger many of the traps, forcing the group to take another route through the back tunnels where Ulysses was captured earlier. Linus urges a shadowy Paris to wish for his normal body back, and he is surprised when it works at the cost of some of God’s blood. While they track down their latest threat, Agrigenta heads deeper underground despite Lemon’s warnings of The Light Eater’s presence.
Episode: https://headgum.com/rude-tales-of-magic/blood-drive