Rude Tales Of Magic Wiki

"You know I'm a bad boy, but sometimes a bad boy has to do good!"

The dreamy bad boy of Polaris University. Bellothion Gorramael is the party's slow-witted but well-meaning druid/cleric/spinulator in the Class Dismissed campaign. He is often distracted between his trouble-making frat, failing grades, and dead/missing parents.

Bellow studied to be a druid at P.U. because it was an easy subject in which he could slack off; eventually he decided to take on the additional status as a Cleric of Vacationism after being invited by the medium god Danny Timeshare.


Bellow is frequently referred to as attractive by characters of various race and gender. He has blue skin and hair, red eyes, back-swept horns and a tail. He has a fit build (12 abs) and enjoyed wearing bootleg Polaris University (PU) hoodies, but they vanished along with the school. He tends to walk around shirtless, unless he's wearing one that he's about to take off.


Bellow generally tries to be a peacekeeper in the party, rarely raising his voice to any of his friends. He remains oblivious to a lot of things, particularly Albee's crush on him. He says that he respects her and sees her as a friend, but later becomes aware of it and doesn't know how to address it. While listening to de Bonesby and Cordelia, Bellow obliviously says that anyone in the party who might have a crush on another member should just go for it. They ultimately address their feelings and enter a casual but affectionate relationship during their adventure.

Stirfry has proven to be one of the few party members who can test his patience and frustrate him. He still treats him as a good friend and they are both quick to forget any grievances. Stirfry admires Bellow while also finding him very attractive.

Cordelia does her best to assist with Albee's crush on Bellow, and she has vocalized to him that she feels absolutely no attraction to him. Bellow mistakes this as a hint that she also has a crush on him since everyone else shows some level of attraction to him. Cordelia later admits that she enjoys spending time with him and appreciates when they can see eye to eye. Cordelia's love for Albee complicates their relationship.

Bellow is one of the more casual with Frederick, and the two share respect for each other's skills while being very different in personality and train of thought. Bellow is the first to start calling him "Freddy" after all their time together, which Frederick initially finds insulting to his status.


"I'm not a good student!" -explaining his bleeding owlbear bite

"I'm like a big, dark mountain, and it's kind of ominous and there's sort of, like, always lightning crashing on it, you know. And at the tippity top, there's even like, craggy horns. Like me."

"Adventure foul, dude!"

"We're like The Big Hole Boys!"

"Lady, I've met gods. I've killed gods. You ain't a god."


  • Bellow attempts to adhere to his teachings as a druid major and can become upset if someone needlessly harms animals or monsters.
  • Before Polaris University disappears, Bellow is in his third year.
  • Bellow considers himself very good at riddles.
  • Joe Lapore was originally planning to make a gnome bard as his character. When they learned that another popular podcast had used a similar concept, Joe quickly created Bellow instead.
  • Bellow admits that he sometimes feels overwhelmed by how much people pay attention to him for his good looks. He also admits that he’ll sometimes show off on purpose.
  • Bellow enjoys plain tea.
  • Bellow has a habit of asking for strangers' names more often than the others. It reaches a point where when is transformed into a giant, monstrous form of himself. One of the first things he manages to say is "Name?" Corncob Drone later explains that not everyone knows their own name, so this can be a precarious question.
  • Bellow needed to wear braces when he was younger. This was actually for his horns, which were growing in irregularly and needed to be straightened.
  • After body-swapping with Stirfry, Bellow gained the ability to mimic sounds like a kenku.
  • Following his injuries received at Brian Doyle Falls, Bellow eventually learns to rapidly rotate parts of his body individually through the mysterious art of "spinulating."
  • Bellow is referenced in the Borderlands game Tiny Tina's Wonderland. One of the character backgrounds Village Idiot (which raises the character's Strength but lowers their Intelligence and Wisdom) says that the character was made in the image of Bellothion, God of Himbos.