Ah, the works of Jane Austen! Comedies of manners, reversals of fortunes, and more proposals than you could shake a be-ribboned bonnet at. This New Years special from the folks at Rude Tales of Magic aims to capture the spirit of Ms. Austen’s work — but if you were worried we’d get through such an episode without a bit of Rude humour*, ha ha! Well! You were happily mistaken! Join us as we play Storybrewers Roleplaying’s excellent Jane Austen RPG, “Good Society” for the first (but hopefully not last!) time. Happy New Year!
A holiday special run by Carly Monardo and Christopher Hastings. It is played in Good Society – A Jane Austin Roleplaying Game. The episode was posted on their usual sources, but an extended cut was released on the Patreon to include character creation.
The players agree to use the rules to reverse gender roles in the setting, making it a largely matriarchal society. It is also considered acceptable for anyone to propose to or marry anyone instead of remaining historically accurate.
Ali Fisher as Lia Chesterfield
Joe Lepore as Lord Dudley Darlington Goodge
Tim Platt as Bethesda Herrington
Branson Reese as Lancelot Platt
After much leaping through windows, the cast arrives at Lia’s manor for a 12th Day of Christmas party. Schemes are hatched as Lord Dudley Darlington Goodge silently fawns after Abigail, both of whom Lia wishes to get together as a pet project. Bethesda races to become engaged before Dudley, but her father turns down all would-be suitors. Lancelot simply wishes to indulge himself however possible while keeping his eye out for a potential partner or two. Loves are flirted with, proposals are offered and rivals verbally spar until the cutting of the cake is announced.
As per tradition, those that find a dried pea or bean in their cake is deemed the king and queen of the party. Abigail and James receive the winning pieces, only for James to eat the bean and enter a series of noisy farts. Abigail is shocked and flees the scene, but it comforted by Bethesda. She walks her back to the party, feigning that they are a couple to put off James. Lancelot steps in and offers a dance with Abigail, discretely offering her a good time while feigning their engagement in hopes of making their true love interests jealous. He fakes a proposal on the spot, causing a great stir among the partygoers.
Letters are exchanged with Lord Dudley seeming discouraged by the false proposal. Rumors spread of Lancelot joining the church, which he dismisses whenever possible. Bethesda uses this as an excuse to encourage her father that Lancelot has changed into a respectable man. She also urges her father to destroy the crocodile that has been lurking near her pond and keeping her up at night.
Bethesda visits Lancelot and suggests that he go through with joining the church and marrying her. Lancelot reminds her that this would mean he would be married to God, which Bethesda calls upon so that she can prove herself the better choice. Christian God appears and agrees to join in a three-way marriage with them since He is technically married to everyone. Lancelot agrees and rushes off to tell Abigail that they can end their charade, but Bethesda is snatched up by a crocodile. Her father roams the area hunting the crocodile to appease his daughter, but while pummeling it, he ironically punches his swallowed-while daughter to death in the process.
Lancelot breaks the news to Abigail just before Dudley arrives to wish her well in her marriage and that his estate could use more of her prized bees’ honey. She confesses that it was all a farce and that she truly had feelings for him. Delighted at the news, they simultaneously propose to each other. They are briefly interrupted by James, who challenges Dudley for dishonoring him. Dudley easily disarms him of his sword and assures him that he holds no ill will towards him, offering him a medicinal biscuit to ease his raging stomach. Meanwhile, Lancelot returns to his lover Anastasia, only to find she has been sleeping with Lia's parents. He turns to the camera in shock and turns into sand, dying on the spot.
Lia appears from behind Dudley to appreciate her matchmaking skills and deciding she’d like to join in their marriage as well. The happy trio are soon wed to each other.